In my previous blog I highlighted how setting S.M.A.R.T goals and the use of your mind will enable you to achieve your goals. Today and in subsequent blogs I am going to reveal the secrets of weight loss.
Take Stock:
You know what weight you want to be at the end of the period you set yourself. Many clients tell me they intend to lose say one stone in time for their holidays or wedding yet they do not know their present weight. Or in some extreme cases they are afraid to get weighed, when I offer to weigh them.
The taking of measurements is very important, why? Because it helps you plan. It helps you realise the task you have ahead and it incorporates the mind in ensuring you achieve your goal.
The key question then is what are the most important measurements to collate?
The most important measurement is your fat weight. I spoke briefly about this in my previous blog, now I am going to tell you why it is important. If I know your fat weight I can work out how many calories you need to eat per day. Each person’s journey to weight loss is different and requires an individual approach. “The one size fits all approach” to weight loss is not good enough. Why is this important? Suffice to say if you do not eat a sufficient amount of calories you are actually harming yourself in the long run. So what is a sufficient amount of calories? Each person will differ according to size, build, muscle mass etc. By knowing what your fat weight is you can individualise your approach.
You can obtain your fat weight by the use of a fat loss monitor; you will obtain this information by the fat loss monitor reading your % of fat. When you know your % of fat and your total body weight you can then work out your fat weight. On establishing your fat weight you can work out your lean weight (Muscle).
It is your lean weight that is important in establishing how many calories you need to eat. If you eat a very low calorie diet it has an effect on your metabolism. Metabolism is the body’s ability to burn calories. You hear people say they have a high metabolism or a low metabolism all the time. But did you know that by extreme dieting you are contributing to your body’s low metabolism? That is why dieters end up putting on more weight than when they started.
Taking readings around certain areas of your body using a tape measure will show you where the weight is coming off. There are key areas that you can take measurements they are the stomach, buttocks, thighs, chest and arms. You will need someone to assist you in taking these measurements.
The equipment mentioned above are easily obtainable, in my mind they are minimum requirement. You may also choose to weigh yourself using scales, but you have to be mindful of what the information is telling you. Also be mindful that weight loss and fat loss is not necessarily the same thing. (More on that in another blog)
You need to gather information regarding your diet. Are you eating the right quantity, quality and type of foods? In order to do this you need to keep a food diary. From the food diary you can establish the changes that you need to make.
I suggest for a week or two you note down exactly what you eat, after that you analyse the data. Suggested areas for analysis are the calorie content, types of food eaten, time food eaten, reason why food eaten, mood when eating.
When carrying out this exercise you need to carry your diary around, and record the intake immediately. If you wait to the end of the day you may not capture everything that you have eaten. What you are trying to achieve is to work out how much food you normally eat. When you can quantify it you are then in a good position to take steps to start reducing your calorie intake. Note drinks count towards calories consumed, they can also have a high calorific value, especially alcoholic drinks. Most people do not have a clue of how many calories they are eating.
Also use this period to obtain as much information as possible regarding nutrition. Your success depends largely on your ability to apply sound nutritional principles. We can safely assume that if you are overweight and if there is no medical reason for you to put on weight it follows you must be eating more calories than your body needs.
Certain foods increase metabolism, and help in fat loss, increasing your knowledge in this area will ensure the weight stays off.
It’s all about calories:
Once you have gathered the relevant information your next step is to apply the basic principles. The basic principle to losing weight is to eat less and move more. You will need an action plan for your nutrition as well as your exercise.
Your nutrition plan is to enable you to eat less. If you know how to measure the calories in food your task is to gradually reduce your calories. There are many books on counting calories; you may want to read up on it. I know there is also a lot of bad press about calorie counting, but if you can apply the basic principles you will achieve lasting results.
If you don’t have the appetite (excuse the pun) to count calories the next alternative is to work out a way of gradually reducing your food intake by manipulating portion sizes. For example how many spoons of pasta did you eat? How many slices of toast? If you have been consistently eating ten spoons of pasta and two slices of toast you can reduce your food intake by eating eight spoons of pasta and one slice of toast. This approach is trial and error; it will take a little bit longer for you to achieve your goal.
A calorie the body does not utilise is stored in the body as fat. Your aim should be to ensure you do not take in more calories than you need. Exercise comes in the picture by burning the stored calories. Every time you move you are burning calories. Exercise takes many forms from walking, running, cycling, swimming, to lifting weights. The different exercises modes, resistance and aerobics has a different function in weight loss, both are important when used appropriately, more on that in another blog.
Your long term success depends on your ability to manipulate diet and exercise. If you solely took the diet route you will lose weight but you will not be able to sustain the approach. The question to ask yourself before you embark on a “diet”, can you eat like that for the rest of your life? Remember embarking on a very low calorie diet, in the long run can be detrimental to your health.
Taking the exercise route on its own is no guarantee to success, any exercise programme that incorporates both diet and exercise will guarantee success. The action plans you set out is a work in progress, and should be used periodically to review your progress. If you are not achieving your goals then you are either not eating less or moving more, something has to be changed. “If you continue to do the same things day in day out, you will get the same results” If you want a different result something has to change.
I hope you have enjoyed this article. I will be writing more in the future on basic nutrition, and exercise. Ensure you look out for my subsequent blogs. If you have any comment or query regarding this feel free to contact me.
Copy right 2012@ Fat2fitness
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